Advertising on this site couldn't be easier. Look at the sample Ads on previous pages and simply submit your details and a brief description of the services or goods that you offer in the style of the Ads. We can change the type face but the size is uniform and for that reason the rates we charge are uniform.
We do not accept entries of an offensive nature nor do we accept veiled "Personal Service" entries. You must be a genuine business, remember the Inland Revenue and Customs & Excise can view this site too and your contact details must be revealed to them if requested. Your details will not be revealed to anyone else whatsoever unless we are required to do so by law.
If you want to advertise either submit the details for approval by E-mail or write to
Cardiff Directory, 41 Bryn Celyn, Pentwyn, Cardiff CF23 7EE, UK
Telephone: (044) (0)29 20549112 Mobile 07901 798555
Our uniform rate per Advertisement is £50.00 per 12 months. That's only 96p per week for World Wide advertising!!!
The site will be submitted to the major search engines on the net and can be seen by potential visitors to Cardiff world wide giving your business the edge on those that don't advertise.